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The Suspension Debate Unfolds: A Ford Mustang IRS Mystery Revealed

Featured Image - A Ford Mustang IRS Mystery Revealed

The debate between live axles and independent rear suspensions (IRS) has stirred muscle car enthusiasts for years, with each system bringing its own merits to handling and performance. To delve deeper into this ongoing discourse, our team took an investigative journey to the heart of American auto-making: Detroit.

A Mysterious Discovery Outside Ford’s Engineering Facility

Our trip took on an unexpected twist near Ford’s engineering facility. There, a seemingly mundane large dumpster piqued our curiosity, prompting a closer look. To our surprise, it was not just random trash, but something of potentially significant automotive value—an entire IRS unit made mostly of aluminum.

Unveiling the Secrets: The Mustang IRS Unit

The discarded unit wasn’t just any IRS; it bore the distinctive markings that revealed its purpose. This was an IRS system designed for a special 2005 model-year Ford Mustang project. A clear stamp marked “Project Abandoned 8/2005” hinted at a shelved ambition.

Behind Closed Doors: Conversations with Ford Insiders

Determined to uncover the story behind this find, we sought out Ford insiders who were familiar with the project. The information they shared was both enlightening and disheartening. This IRS setup was intended for a high-performance Mustang version, crafted to throw down the gauntlet to European sports coupes. Yet, despite its promise, it fell prey to financial pragmatism—the costs were simply too steep for production lines.

Ford’s IRS Dilemma: Balancing Cost and Tradition

From our discussions, it became apparent that Ford has wrestled with the implementation of IRS in the Mustang for years. However, despite the appeal of modern suspension technologies, concerns about cost and a commitment to tradition have led to repeated retreats from this innovation.

The Aluminum IRS in the Trash: What Could Have Been

The sight of such a sophisticated aluminum IRS system discarded as waste provokes a flurry of ‘what-ifs.’ Had this project come to fruition, how would it have transformed the performance and reception of the Mustang?

Looking Ahead: The 2015 Mustang’s Potential Leap Forward

While the 2005 IRS project might be a tale of what might have been, it sparks speculation about the future. Could the upcoming 2015 Mustang be the model that finally embraces advanced suspension technology? Only time will tell if Ford is ready to shift gears and redefine the muscle car playing field.

Stay tuned as we follow this story, eager to see whether the next generation Mustang will drive into a new era with IRS leading the way.


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